Monday, April 30, 2012


The New Glitterati gave me a weekly goal yesterday at brunch and I only have myself to blame, as I asked her to give me a goal.  I'm still going to blame her.  The goal she gave me is that I get seven drinks this week.  I can ration them as I see fit (one a day, all seven on one day, etc), but I only get seven.

It's a goal that's going to require some organization.  I mean, what is there really to do in Federal Hill if you're not going out for the night?  Are there any good movies playing nearby?  Any animals at the zoo have adorable-not-yet-vicious-killing-machine young?  We shall find out.

I also plan on doing a shitload of writing.  (I also think it's great that the spellchecker on this thing doesn't throw a red line under "shitload".)

As well as reformatting my life a little, any thoughts on this blog's layout?  I'm trying to figure out of there's anything about it that needs to change.  I feel like there is, but I'm not too sure.  Outsider input?

- Kid

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

09_Lyrics: Part 1

I came up with these earlier tonight.  I dedicate them to anyone who wishes they could just sleep.  They are to be sung to the tune of Johny Cash's "Folsom Prison Blues":

"I hear my bed a callin'
It wants me to come home
It's want me to lay in it
So I'll never be alone
But the rain is coming down
And I have so far to go
Until my weary head
Hits my loving pillow

When I was just a young boy
The two of us were lovers
I didn't wanna go to school
Just stay underneath the covers
But my mother pulled the sheets off
She told me to go out
And now my bed is calling
And I can hear it shout

So here I am a walkin
Until I can get back
To those faithful lovin bedsprings
And that deep rest that I lack
But the rain keeps on falling
And I wish that I could be
Under those warm dark covers
So fast asleep"

- Kid

08_Looking Forward

I have to thank Big Bro and Sis in Law for getting married.  Why?  Because of their marriage, it made it a lot easier for me to win my weekly goal of not watching any TV while the sun was up.  Thanks, man!  The wedding was worth it, if only for that.

By the way, anyone ever heard of  Because they've charged me $120 over the past three months to sign me up for movie streaming or some such that I never approved.  And I've never been to that site ever before in my life.  I like the people at my bank, but I don't really like to have to talk to them for that long.

I guess dealing with your first credit card fraud is a part of life.

And so now that the wedding celebrations have ended and life has settled back in to the usual drudgery, I'm looking forward more than ever to getting my grad school applications together.  It's like taking a step towards some more tangible reality of adulthood.  As if when I step through the doors, they will hand me a certificate honoring me with maturity.

Of course that is the wrong view to take on a life-altering change like going to graduate school, but I can't help looking forward to it as the Next Big Thing and, with that, the Next Step in Life.  Now I just have to, ya know, do all the work associated with applying.

- Kid

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

07_Current Events

Well, I am ashamed to admit that last week's challenges were too much for me.  I wrote about 4 days out of 7 and exercised about 3.  So, if you add me all together, I came out .500 for the week, which is more than the Orioles can say for a season, so there's at least that.

This week I'm going to get the creative juices flowing.  Write and play guitar every day.  I love my music and haven't been doing nearly enough of it lately.

As well, I've taken the first tentative steps towards entering into a Masters in Creative Writing.  The goal is to end up Educating Fertile Young Minds as they Better Themselves by getting a Degree.  Look at all those caps.  That's impressive, that is.

Since I can't find the gadgets to get this sort of thing on the sidebar, I'll just post them here.  My two current obsessions/interests:

What I'm reading:  The Ventriloquist's Tale, by Pauline Melville

And my current musical obsession, an oldy but a goody, Underoath - They're Only Chasing Safety

Anyone know any gadgets so I can regularly update these things on the sidebar without having to put them in posts?

- Kid

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

06_Challenges of All Kinds

Last week's One Week Challenge ended in an Epic Win.  I went vegetarian for the week and not only did I hold to it, but I realized that I don't really miss eating meat.  Sure, if my mom makes meatloaf or gets some Italian sausage from Mastellone's, I'm not gonna say no.  That would be stupid.  But am I going to go out and order the steak dinner over the veggie pasta just for the sake of it?  No.

This week is a bit more to the point:
 - Write every day
 - Work out every day.

As far as working out goes, thanks to my parents I now have awesome new running shoes and my dad keeps sending me sign ups for 5 and 10k runs that are happening in like, two days.  If I can make it 1k right now, I'd be happy.  Next year, dad.

As far as writing goes, I'm on my own.  I have taken a few baby steps.  No longer is my homepage a blog devoted to awesome Lego sculptures, but rather one of my old-time favorites:  The Intern Spills.  See?  I'm wasting my time online with Writing Stuff.  Not just...Stuff.  Improvement, no?

I suppose the biggest problem with this side of the challenge is the "So What?" factor.  Say I sit and manage to write for three hours straight every day this week.  What will that really accomplish?  Sure I might shore up a story or two, yes I might FINALLY get around to changing that damned comma that's been bugging me in paragraph two, but I might also spend three hours writing about this really weird dream I had where I so impressed Gordon Ramsay with my skills as a waiter that he immediately put me on the schedule and gave me $9956 dollars.  (True story and yes, the amount was that specific.  Dreams are weird.)  That might not exactly win me a Pulitzer.  And if it did, I'm not sure I'd want the award...

I think I need to come up with something of a bit more solid goal next week.  You're all writers.  If there's one thing that you think a writer should do daily that would make them more productive in an overall sense, what would it be?

- Kid