Monday, April 30, 2012


The New Glitterati gave me a weekly goal yesterday at brunch and I only have myself to blame, as I asked her to give me a goal.  I'm still going to blame her.  The goal she gave me is that I get seven drinks this week.  I can ration them as I see fit (one a day, all seven on one day, etc), but I only get seven.

It's a goal that's going to require some organization.  I mean, what is there really to do in Federal Hill if you're not going out for the night?  Are there any good movies playing nearby?  Any animals at the zoo have adorable-not-yet-vicious-killing-machine young?  We shall find out.

I also plan on doing a shitload of writing.  (I also think it's great that the spellchecker on this thing doesn't throw a red line under "shitload".)

As well as reformatting my life a little, any thoughts on this blog's layout?  I'm trying to figure out of there's anything about it that needs to change.  I feel like there is, but I'm not too sure.  Outsider input?

- Kid

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