Saturday, September 29, 2012

20_Wish Me Luck

Tonight, I embark on an epic adventure.  Sure, I'm only physically traveling to Station North, but that's not the point.  The point is that I'm going Off the Map in terms of things I've ever done before.  New bar?  No.  Strip club?  God no.  Something that doesn't involve alcohol on a Saturday night off?  Now you're just being silly.

I'm going to pitch a rock opera.

Now, I've written lots of music in my life time (some of it alright, even) and I've written lots of stories before, but I've never written a play, much less a rock opera.  Epic journey to uncharted territory indeed.

Tonight I'm off to the Baltimore Rock Opera Society's Pitch Party the Second.  While my initial pitch did not actually make it in to the round that will be judged at the party itself, I have been assured by the heads of the BROS that it won't be hard to find interested people at said party.

So off I go with little to no experience in the intended medium, to act like I know what I'm doing to people I've never even laid eyes on before, armed only with my own confidence and the fact that once I pay $10 at the door, the promise free beer.  Sounds like an epic quest to me.

Too bad I don't have a giant cardboard battleaxe or a viking helmet or something.  They love that kinda shit.

- Kid

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