Sunday, March 25, 2012

04_The Write Thing To Do

Yes, I failed this week's One Week Challenge.  I am admitting it so freely because I knew it was happening and I wanted it to happen.

Here's why.

To say that this has been a tumultuous time for my group of friends is an understatement.  I was the trendsetter, having ended my relationship on the (almost) exact stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve.  Since then, all sorts of Hell have been breaking loose.

A few days ago, my BFF Gator called me and told me that she could come up from the capitol for dinner.  I knew that that would conflict on my One Week Challenge to only eat food that I had personally prepared, but I took it anyway.  I knew I'd need it.

To be honest, I accepted my failure knowing that it would be a bandaid on a bullet wound.

The only way I will overcome my Breakup (caps intentional.  It should probably be "Divorce" but still) is to put it in writing.  Same with this rocky period that we're all going through.

They say that you should only write what you know and that, I think is poorly worded.  They mean one of two things:  1) Write what you are knowledgeable about and can accurately portray, or 2)  Write what is closest to your heart so that you don't have to (emotionally) lie.  Right now, I am coming to know a lot and it is disconcerting.  Eventually I will be able to write about it, and that will make it OK.  That will make it manageable, and that is the true meaning of "write what you know":  Write that which you need to digest so that others may digest it as well.  It does little service to others to try and make them understand their own lives by lying.  So be honest.  Names, dates?  Those can change.

Emotions cannot.  So write what you emotionally know.

- Kid

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